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Blood Donation from MPS to the Red Crescent

Blood Donation from MPS to the Red Crescent

Blood Donation from MPS to the Red Crescent

Blood Donation from MPS to the Red Crescent
Mps’Den Kızılay’A Kan Bağısı 1

Blood Donation from MPS to the Red Crescent

As MPS Family, we supported the blood donation campaign organized by the "Turkish Red Crescent" and carried out with the slogan "Blood Friend" in these difficult days when the need for solidarity increased. We congratulate all our employees and citizens who have supported this campaign.

MPS’den Kızılay’a Kan Bağısı

MPS’den Kızılay’a Kan Bağısı

MPS Ailesi olarak, dayanışma ihtiyacının arttığı bu zor günlerde, "Türk Kızılay" tarafından organize edilen ve “Kan Dostum” sloganı ile gerçekleştirilen kan bağışı kampanyasına destek verdik. 

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